TMC16: More Than Resources

Below are the text and slides of my talk on Monday (7/18) at Twitter Math Camp. I don’t think they make a ton of sense out of context, peruse as you like. Please drop any comments below or let me know what you think directly.


Update 7/21:
Video is up here. Many thanks to Glenn Waddell for recording it. Actual text /= planned text above, but the ideas are the same.

8 thoughts on “TMC16: More Than Resources

  1. David Butler

    I just read the text of your TMC talk, and it resonated a lot with me. There are a whole lot of cool activities online, but I struggle to see how to use them in the greater scheme of the teaching. Often when I ask people how to teach X, they give me a cool activity. But that’s not enough. I need to know how I use it to help the students develop the skills and ideas at hand. I need to know how to use pedagogical strategies to actually make the activity work today. Now, when I read blogs I am not looking for the activity, but the talk about how the teacher thinks about it, where it fits, and how they used their pedagogy to make it work — that is the part that I needed when I was a new teacher and didn’t get from anyone. Thank you for highlighting this so well.

    1. Dr Nic

      I really like what you have to say, and I also wonder how most teachers can find these great ideas, let alone implement them. In a teaching improvement course we were required to identify and articulate our teaching philosophy. I found that challenging, enlightening and inspiring. It didn’t require us all to have the same philosophy, but to work out what ours was. I wonder if that would be a useful discussion for mtbos.

      1. dkane47 Post author

        I think it is a useful discussion for our community — but I also wonder about our goals. I think what we do is really great for folks in the community, and appeals less to people who aren’t interested in spending a ton of time reading blogs and Twitter. Is our goal to help the broader profession of teaching? That may be the case for some people, but I’m not sure if it’s well articulated in the conversations we have. Things to think about.

    2. dkane47 Post author

      Glad it was helpful. That context is so important — Darryl Yong has described it as the “ecology” of the classroom, which I like a lot — what works for someone else may not work for you in your own context.

  2. Pingback: TMC16 Reflections | lazy 0ch0

  3. Pingback: Twitter Math Camp 2016: Get Uncomfortable | Crazy Math Teacher Lady

  4. Pingback: #TMC16 – My Favorite | Growing Exponentially

  5. Pingback: More Than Resources: The Internet and Deliberate Practice | Five Twelve Thirteen

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